So, it's been a while since we've written! On Thursday, we drove up to Montreal, Canada!! We should have known the trip was going to be interesting when we left the cabin in -26 degree weather!! To say the least, it was COLD!!! We drove without any problems, that is until we reached the Canadian customs lady! There were only two cars before us, yet it took us more than twenty minutes to get through customs! When we approached the lady, we figured it would all go smoothly, little did we know we were about to be questioned about every little thing. She asked us why we were coming in and we told her we didn't really have a plan, just wanted to visit. Apparently, that is not a good answer!!! She questioned about everything, from were we were from, to how much money we had on us and what was the balance on my credit card. She asked us several times if we were going to spend the night in Canada, even though each time we told her no, we were only visiting for the day. We got the feeling she didn't believe us. Of course, when she asked us what we were bringing into the Canada, Christopher responded two empty soda cans!! I don't thing she liked that very much! haha Eventually, she allowed into Canada, although, she had definitely taken a few notes about us as she talked with us. It was insane! We finally arrived and drove to our destination of Montreal. We went there with no map and no real plan of what we were going to do. It was an adventure to say the least. We drove the streets, realizing just how different things were. For one thing, the roads were not cleaned very well, and of course everything was in French. We learned a few French words while we were there. Another odd thing was that the stop lights were on the side of the road. This causes some confusion for some people!! ;) Once we arrived, we decided to try to find the Olympic Park in Montreal. We saw signs pointing to it that said it was only 4 km away. We drove and drove and could not find it! However, we did find the Montreal Port! We finally decided to turn back. As we were driving along, we started seeing signs for the Olympic Park again and followed them. We finally found it, but by this time we were hungry and in need of the restroom and not interested in paying so much money to even park. Therefore, we took a picture and went on.

Our next mission was to find somewhere to eat. We drove and decided on this little restaurant called Restaurant La Belle Province. It was really good! Christopher got two hot dogs, Canadian style with a side of Poutine. Poutine is basically fries, cheese curd, and gravy. It is very Canadian and very good! We really enjoyed the food!

After we ate, we decided to drive downtown Montreal. We drove through and it amazed me just how similar it looked to any big city such as New York City. Once we drove through, it was time for us to head back.

Our entrance back into the United States went much smoother than our entrance to Canada. The guy was really nice and funny! He let us through without a problem. Ironically, Christopher's great aunt and uncle and Angela and Amy were two cars behind us and actually went to the same customs guy. He remembered us when they went through! We had a great trip to Canada and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, even though we had no real plan!! It was great!
On our way back to Lake Placid, we made a little side stop at the North Pole! Christopher suprised me and took me to the North Pole! I was very excited! This is a real place with even a real US Postal Office!! I was so happy to go there!!

We have finally arrived back in North Carolina. We drove Friday for 17 hours and made it back to Greenville around 2:30 am Saturday morning! We all seemed to have a great time, just a little tired!! It was a great trip and i am so glad that i got to go!! We had a blast!! We are all now just trying to recover from a very long day of driving!
P.S. We are still going to continue to update this page with other interesting things that Christopher and I find ourselves doing! So, stayed tuned for more blogs to come!