Friday, December 28, 2007
We finally made it here last night around 9ish. After two days of traveling, we arrived at a winter wonderland!! On Wednesday, we left North Carolina to head up to the D.C. area to visit Chris' great aunt. We had dinner with his great aunt and then went to our hotel to get some rest before the next day's long drive!We left the hotel around 7 am (we, the girls, were actually ready on time, every one was suprised, but we knew we could do it!). We spotted our first snow right outside of Maryland! At first, it was just random spots on the side of the road. But as we drove into New York we started seeing more and more snow!! I was so excited to finally see some snow! When we got to Albany, you could tell it had snowed there that day! It was so pretty!!

We visited the Olympic Training Center. This is where many Olympic athletics come and train. We think some of them are here now training for the '08 summer olympics. We then drove past the Ski Jump competition. Next we went to the site where they hold the Bobsled and Ski competitions for the Olympics. We walked up to the Bobsled area and watched them give some rides. It was really cool. We also went inside and took some fun pictures with a bobsled.
We drove by the arena where they held the hockey and figure skating competitions for the Olympics. Also, in the front of the High School, there is an oval shaped ice skating rink. This is where the speed skating events were held. We've had a great, relaxing day! It's been nice to just take it easy and learn some stuff about the area. I am definitely loving being up here! It's amazing!
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